Toilers Of The Night

Didn’t you hear it? The sound of quiet desolation on Carnaby Street last night (MWC Work 2021)

Alexandra Walker-Jones
3 min readAug 12, 2021


You know it’s impossible to insert a USB correctly on the first try.

We all like to pretend as if the chance is 50/50, but, deep down, we know we’ve never actually gotten it right.

It’s the same with my keys to the bar.

One for the top lock, one for the bottom.

It’s doesn't help that the two are almost indistinguishable from each other, but I have a hunch there’s something trickier going on because never once have I gotten it on the first try.

The thought makes me laugh as turn down the lights, and switch off the music. My keys are illuminated on the bar stool only by a small reflection of light from outside. I go through the checklist once more in my head. Lights down, music off, awning in, stock reordered, everything closed.

Right. That just leaves me.

I move swiftly towards my keys as though they’ll disappear if I’m not fast. If we really believe in science, then the odds have got to be in my favour now.

I set the alarm. It responds with three beeps, and make my careful selection as the door closes softly behind me.



Alexandra Walker-Jones

Content writer and published author in the plant-based health and wellness sphere. I’m just here to learn!